Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Home Staging Tip #1: Do WHAT To Get My Home Ready For Sale?


I'm Darlene Parris with UPSTAGED!, a Professional Home Staging Company in Los Angeles.  This 5 part series will give you tips on how to stage your home and prepare it for sale.

You might think that staging your home to sell is not important so you've left it off your list entirely.  Well... you might want to rethink that notion.

Consider this fact:  Today, more than 85% of Home Buyers search for homes online before ever actually setting foot unto a property.  So let's have a moment of honesty shall we?  Imagine if you listed your home for sale today and your Real Estate Agent took pictures of your home right now.  What would your photos reflect?  What would prospective Buyers think of your home's condition, upkeep, cleanliness and space? Would your home move to the top of their "must see" list or will they decide that you're asking way too much for far too little?  Get the picture?

So why would you leave money on the negotiation table by deciding that you don't need Professional Home Staging?  You see, staging your home to sell before you lists gets you prepared to sell and better pictures for your listing, which creates more views online.  In turn, you drum up more interest in your property.  More interest in your property translates into multiple offers.  Multiple offers mean you get the price you want. Getting the price you want equals a faster closing.  A faster closing means... well, you fill in the blank of what it means to you.

So... Tip #1 to avoid deal killing criticisms when trying to sell your home, get Professional Home Staging BEFORE you list!

I'm Darlene Parris with UPSTAGED! thank you for joining me here today look for me next week when I'll discuss tip # 2 on how to avoid deal killing criticisms when trying to sell your home.  Thank you.

Darlene Parris
Interior Redesigner, Organizer, Home Stager
UPSTAGED! by Darlene Parris