Monday, December 30, 2013

Real Estate Staging, Will Your Home Make Potential Buyers Stop The Car or Just Keep On Going? Quick Curb Appeal Tips That Will Make Everyone Want to See More

Hi, this is Darlene Parris with UPSTAGED!. Thanks for joining me here today.

Today we're going to talk with you a little bit about curb appeal and the importance it plays in preparing and staging your house for sale.  Curb appeal is vitally essential to the overall look of your home.  Because after all, 'Hello' or 'Goodbye' starts at the curb.  So let's talk about the things that need to happen when you are preparing the exterior of your home for sale.

First if you have either stucco or siding to your home, you can certainly take the out time to power wash that home.  Get off all that excess dirt and grime that's been there and built up for years. If you have loose paint on the home or loose stucco, you definitely want to address those issues by patching and repairing whatever needs to be patched or repaired.

Don't forget to clean out your gutters.  It's really important that they're not full of leaves especially at certain times of the year.  Fall time you're going to get lots of leaves if you have big trees on your property or surrounding your property.  Clear out those gutters.

Clean off your walkway.  Make sure that there's a very clear path to your front door.  And while we're talking about front doors, make sure that your front door sparkles.  If you need to add new hardware to your door or even paint your door, that would be a wonderful thing, because from the street, people need to be able to see that entry and know that it's beautiful and ready to receive people.

Don't forget that if you have exterior lighting, that it should shine and be pristine.  Pay attention to your door knobs, your door bell, your mailbox.  If those things need to be cleaned up... CLEAN THEM UP so that they sparkle and shine.

And don't forget to trim excess foliage and shrubbery or even overgrown trees.  It's going to be important to frame your house in the best possible light that's available for your home when you're trying to sell.

And if you have animals, even outdoor animals, make sure that you have cleaned up properly behind your animals and that they are contained in a particular space during your showings and that of course the property is free of animal waste and things of that nature.

Feel free to put out any decorative items, without going overboard though, outside.  For example, if it's Christmas and you wanted to put out a few poinsettias on the steps, that is certainly acceptable and perfect of the occasion and the season.  So you can decorate still, while not going overboard, and making sure your curb appeal is clean, concise and ready to rock and roll.  When buyers show up, they want to stop the car as opposed to continuing down the street.

Thank you so much for joining me here today.  I'm Darlene Parris with UPSTAGED!. See you next time.

Darlene Parris
Interior Redesigner, Organizer, Home Stager
UPSTAGED! by Darlene Parris

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